Middle East Tour 2016, ???? ?? ??????????? ????? ????
– Gidon Kremer & Kremerata Baltica–

Middle East Tour ????
Part of Anniversary World Tour

?? November; ??:??; Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
?? November; ??:??; Golden Hall, Manial Palace, Cairo, Egypt
?? November; ??:??; Great Hall Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt
?? November; ??:??; Al-Hussein Cultural Center Theatre, Amman, Jordan

The renowned violinist, Gidon Kremer, along with Kremerata Baltica Chamber Orchestra celebrate the 20th anniversary of the orchestra's inception and Kremer’s 70th birthday with an exciting program in a world tour.

?? November; ??:??; Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
?? November; ??:??; Golden Hall, Manial Palace, Cairo, Egypt
?? November; ??:??; Great Hall Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt
?? November; ??:??; Al-Hussein Cultural Center Theatre, Amman, Jordan

Tour Program TBA

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